Developer Mode

Insta developer mode tips and tricks

These are Insta developer mode tips and tutorials for you to get the most out of it.

Warning: This publication is willing to change at any time due to updates and features that are added and removed with each update :)

To access developer mode, just hold the home button of the news feed and access "Modify Quick Experiment Settings"

Adding stickers to stories

Aero Insta
Aero Insta

Increase the quality of published photos

Aero Insta

Research these options and activate them all. In the latter hold on top of the option and change it to 100 from 70.

Change how the page refreshes

The refresh page icon will change and get faster.

Change the layout of actions in photos

Aero Insta
Aero Insta

Activate this option and it will look like this :)

Change how the gallery is displayed

Aero Insta

Show recent gifs in direct

Aero Insta

Show the time the message was seen in the direct

Aero Insta

Ex: "Seen 3 minutes ago"

Enable the option to rewind and advance the video in the feed

Aero Insta

Shortcuts when touching and holding the APP icon

Aero Insta

Change the color of the front camera flash in Stories.

To change: long press on the setting.
IMPORTANT: the color of the flash must be inserted in HEX format only.

Aero Insta

Unlimited photo upload to Direct

Aero Insta

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Some of these developer options have been discovered by Michel Santana.